Shared Hosting
Simple and powerfull hosting for everyone.
Monthly Plan
Yearly Plan
Solución ideal para principiantes.
Precio Normal $9.99
Comprar Plan
Renovaciones a tarifa normal
Características principales
- 1 Website
- 5 GB SSD Espacio en Disco
- Trafico Ilimitado
- Backup Semanal
- 5 Correos Corporativos
- Gestionado por WP
- BD Ilimitadas
Incluye además
- Certificado SSL
- Migración gratuita
- Soporte 24/7
Más Popular
Sube de nivel con más potencia y funciones mejoradas.
Precio Normal $12.99
Comprar Plan
Renovaciones a tarifa normal
Características principales
- 2 Websites
- 10 GB SSD Espacio en Disco
- Trafico Ilimitado
- Backup Diario
- 10 Correos Corporativos
- Gestionado por WP
- BD Ilimitadas
Incluye además
- Certificado SSL
- Migración gratuita
- Soporte 24/7
- WordPress Staging Tool
- CDN Incluido
Disfruta de un rendimiento optimizado y recursos potentes.
Precio Normal $15.99
Comprar Plan
Renovaciones a tarifa normal
Características principales
- 3 Websites
- 15 GB SSD Espacio en Disco
- Trafico Ilimitado
- Backup Diario
- 15 Correos Corporativos
- Gestionado por WP
- BD Ilimitadas
Incluye además
- Certificado SSL
- Migración gratuita
- Soporte Prioritario
- WordPress Staging Tool
- CDN Incluido
- Aceleración WP Avanzada
Alojamiento de WordPres para sitios con mucho tráfico.
Precio Normal $18.99
Comprar Plan
Renovaciones a tarifa normal
Características principales
- 4 Websites
- 25 GB SSD Espacio en Disco
- Trafico Ilimitado
- Backup Diario
- 35 Correos Corporativos
- Gestionado por WP
- BD Ilimitadas
Incluye además
- Certificado SSL
- Migración gratuita
- Soporte Prioritario
- WordPress Staging Tool
- CDN Incluido
- Aceleración WP Avanzada
Solución ideal para principiantes.
Precio Normal $70
Comprar Plan
Renovaciones a tarifa normal
Características principales
- 1 Website
- 5 GB SSD Espacio en Disco
- Trafico Ilimitado
- Backup Semanal
- 5 Correos Corporativos
- Gestionado por WP
- BD Ilimitadas
Incluye además
- Certificado SSL
- Migración gratuita
- Soporte 24/7
Más Popular
Sube de nivel con más potencia y funciones mejoradas.
Precio Normal $120
Comprar Plan
Renovaciones a tarifa normal
Características principales
- 2 Websites
- 10 GB SSD Espacio en Disco
- Trafico Ilimitado
- Backup Diario
- 10 Correos Corporativos
- Gestionado por WP
- BD Ilimitadas
Incluye además
- Certificado SSL
- Migración gratuita
- Soporte 24/7
- WordPress Staging Tool
- CDN Incluido
Disfruta de un rendimiento optimizado y recursos potentes.
Precio Normal $170
Comprar Plan
Renovaciones a tarifa normal
Características principales
- 3 Websites
- 15 GB SSD Espacio en Disco
- Trafico Ilimitado
- Backup Diario
- 15 Correos Corporativos
- Gestionado por WP
- BD Ilimitadas
Incluye además
- Certificado SSL
- Migración gratuita
- Soporte Prioritario
- WordPress Staging Tool
- CDN Incluido
- Aceleración WP Avanzada
Features that brings maximum power to your website.
Instant Activation
Hosting is powerful WordPress Hosting pautomatic hostim installation and specific server tuning .
99.99% Server Uptime
Game Hosting has grown to become the most popular which also makes it the number among
Multiple Data Centers
Seamlessly transform dynamic testing my procedures rather than distributed process Compellingly.
Daily Data Backup
WordPress has grown to become the most popular which also makes it the number hackers.
Trusted by over 5,000 happy customers worldwide
Excellent Hosting Service!
Appropriately target maintainable quality vectors via ethical benefits. Globally empowered meta-services. Authoritatively web-enabled functionalities
Stepanie Hutchkiss
Excellent Hosting Service!
Our fee structure is clear and straightforward, while our in-depth reporting gives you visibility no matter where local teams bring regional, international and regulatory expertise
Jovan Reels
Excellent Hosting Service!
Great support, like i have never seen before. Thanks to the support team, they are very helpfull. This company provide customers great solution, that makes them best.
Kanesha Keyton
Any Questions?
How do I get started with web hosting?
We care about safety big time — and so do your site's visitors. With a Shared Hosting account, you get an SSL certificate for free to add to your site. In this day and age, having an SSL for your site is a no-brainer best practice. Not only does an SSL help your visitors feel safe interacting with your site — this is particularly important if you run an e-commerce site.
What is difference for each plan?
We care about safety big time — and so do your site's visitors. With a Shared Hosting account, you get an SSL certificate for free to add to your site. In this day and age, having an SSL for your site is a no-brainer best practice. Not only does an SSL help your visitors feel safe interacting with your site — this is particularly important if you run an e-commerce site.
What kind of web hosting do I need?
We care about safety big time — and so do your site's visitors. With a Shared Hosting account, you get an SSL certificate for free to add to your site. In this day and age, having an SSL for your site is a no-brainer best practice. Not only does an SSL help your visitors feel safe interacting with your site — this is particularly important if you run an e-commerce site.
How do I get started with web hosting?
We care about safety big time — and so do your site's visitors. With a Shared Hosting account, you get an SSL certificate for free to add to your site. In this day and age, having an SSL for your site is a no-brainer best practice. Not only does an SSL help your visitors feel safe interacting with your site — this is particularly important if you run an e-commerce site.
What is difference for each plan?
We care about safety big time — and so do your site's visitors. With a Shared Hosting account, you get an SSL certificate for free to add to your site. In this day and age, having an SSL for your site is a no-brainer best practice. Not only does an SSL help your visitors feel safe interacting with your site — this is particularly important if you run an e-commerce site.
What kind of web hosting do I need?
We care about safety big time — and so do your site's visitors. With a Shared Hosting account, you get an SSL certificate for free to add to your site. In this day and age, having an SSL for your site is a no-brainer best practice. Not only does an SSL help your visitors feel safe interacting with your site — this is particularly important if you run an e-commerce site.

30 days money back guarantee
If you not satisfy, we will refund your payment. No hassle, no risk. You can cancel plan at any time.
*Cancellation must be within a maximum of 30 days